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Pollinator Patches, LLC

Convert some of your lawn to productive soil

Nurture flowering native plants

Provide forage and habitat for pollinators 

Enjoy the colors, smells, taste, flutter and buzz

 of all our native plants and pollinators.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on Phlox
Mission Statement

Pollinator Patches, LLC exists to increase habitat and forage for pollinators in the St. Louis Metro region.


What We Do


Our Lady of Oregano

Services and Products

  • Convert turf to productive soil

  • Plant native grasses and flowering natives

  • Mowing Prairie Installation

  • Mulch and Compost delivery and placement

  • Clearing and Grading

  • Follow up mulching

  • Dead heading 

  • Small tree removal

  • Haul cuttings 

  • Build raised bed boxes

  • Build cold frames and hot boxes

  • Trellis work

  • Rainwater recovery systems:

Swales and berms

Rain gardens


  • Wildlife shelter, bird, bat and  bee houses

  • Gardener Support Services:              For gardeners who want to do the work themselves, we are available to perform tasks that you are not able to do or that you do not want to do that will further the nurturing of native plantings. Give me a call.

Cost of Work

Each situation has its own scope of work and specific requirements and challenges. Initial consultation is $100 and payable at the initial visit. If an estimate is provided following design work a fee of $150 is invoiced with the estimate. Initial consultation and estimate are reimbursable by the Clear grant.

The bill for work completed can be as quoted for a specified scope of work. The quote will include contingency to cover unanticipated costs.

For jobs of larger scope and complexity Hourly Labor plus Materials and Rental, Delivery and Dump Fees usually work best. 

Note that there is no mark-up on materials or fees and no additional charge for equipment that is not rented.

Below are our typical rates for service and products offered:

Labor including equipment operation: $75 per hour

    Excavation, vegetative removal and moving material with either hand tools or excavation equipment, 

    digging, mulch placement, general garden labor.

Delivery charge for up to 14 Cubic Yards of organic material dumped on site $200 plus material cost.   


Mini-skid steer and attachments, mini-excavator, dump trailer, ground protection sheets material hauling trailers, hand and power tools for trade work.

Fabrication and installation work priced by the item, wildlife shelter, trellises, etc.


Example of work scope and charges:

    Pollinator Patch - 400 square foot planting bed converted from sod in existing lawn using the smother         method covering the grass with cardboard and 3 to 4 inches of mulch.​

  • Cost of Mulch (varies)                                               $ 150.00

  • Delivery of wood chips  or compost                        $100.00

  • Cardboard @ $0.10 per Square Foot                         $40.00

  • Place mulch and cardboard (~4 hrs)                       $300.00

  • Total for step one of lawn conversion                      $590.00






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